Workplace Yoga


Do you know how much your company or organisation is losing through employee absence? And, do you know why?

British industry loses £17 billion per year through employee absence due to two major factors – STRESS AND BACK PAIN[1].

The UK’s Health & Safety Executive reported that in 2011 10.8 million working days were lost due to work related stress and 7.6 million lost through musculoskeletal disorders, 40% of those days being related to back pain [2].

Stress, back pain and discontented employees generally have a lower productivity output and don’t focus too well on the tasks being performed.

So how do you go about reducing your losses with low investment for high return?

Introduce a workplace health and well-being management programme.

And transform your employees from this






Workplace exercise programmes are best for preventing low back pain and has also been shown to have a positive effect on the mental and physical health of employees [3].

If you are interested in introducing a workplace health & well-being management programme, please get in touch to arrange a meeting to discuss your particular situation or to run a trial session so you can see how your company or organisation can benefit.


[1] Confederation of British Industry. Workplace Health and
Absence Survey: Healthy Returns? London : CBI,2011
[2] Health and Safety Executive. Annual Statistics Report
2010/2011. London: HSE, 2011
[3] Kreis J, Bodeker W. Health-related and Economic Benefits of
Workplace Health Promotion and Prevention – Summary of
Scientific Evidence. Essen: BKK Bundesverband, 2004